Light is the other face of darkness. Light and darkness symbolize complementary or alternating values of the evolutionary processes. Gnosticism believes that there is a divine spark, a portion of God residing in each human being. Hence, one’s purpose and redemption in life lies in releasing the spark within, allowing it to return to and reunite with its progenitor, the source of Divine Light. Post tenebras lux. Light follows darkness: both in the order of cosmic manifestation and in that of inner enlightenment. The Earth is the realm of darkness and the heavens that of light. Together, light and darkness form a universal duality that coincides with yin and yang. They are inseparable counterparts: yin contains traces of yang, and vice versa.
The light-darkness duo is personified by angels and demons in Western cultures, by devas and asuras in Hinduism, and by celestial and terrestrial forces in Chinese culture. It also exists in the Ismaili Gnosis concept of spirit (light) and matter (darkness), which coexist within the same being. Sunlight embodies heavenly energy, inspiring awe and hope; yet it is not immutable. It can disappear, and life itself would follow.
The world of the senses is the realm of darkness, which attempts to snatch away the light, but only succeeds in imprisoning the reflections of light in matter. Light embodies the forces that give and take away life; as is life, so is light. The nature and state of life depend on the light received, light that numerous cultures refer to as transmuted knowledge, which, once attained, transforms and transcends.