The light of the universe in our being is born as the first sigh, like the anchor that connects the ethereal with the physical. It is a portal through which the invisible and the tangible meet for the first time in a mysterious, subtle dance.
The vastness of our essence, which until then was part of the cosmos, is reduced to a delicate beam of light that enters the corporeal form, a prism that encloses in itself a universe of its own. This moment is like a spark of energy that illuminates the consciousness, transforming emptiness into presence, potential into existence.
The body becomes the vessel that holds this concentrated energy, and in it are reflected all the colors and shades that, at some point, will radiate out into the world. Like the ray of light trapped in a prism, our essence seeks to expand, to break its limits and project itself in all directions.
With this sigh, the journey begins; the ray of light has found its refuge in the flesh, though only for an instant in eternity, for the true end will be a limitless expansion, a return to the ethereal. It is thus that the birth of being emerges, breaking free from the deep darkness, piercing the darkness and making its way into the infinite light of the world.
Each being that arrives is a spark plucked from the mystery, a flare that rises from the immaterial to form, from the unfathomable to the visible. In this step, the embodied light begins to illuminate and grow, as if its only reason for being were to flow, to pour out and finally return to the source that engendered it.